skutt, skutt kilns, skutt ceramics, kilnmaster


Due to current circumstances and very high demand Skutt kilns have extended lead times. For a comprehenive list of lead times click here.


Not Sure what kiln size is right for you?

Check out our 3D kiln interactive page here


Skutt Kilns was founded over 60 years ago by the father-and-son team of Ralph and Neil Skutt in beautiful Olympia, Washington. They created the ceramic industry’s very first multi-sided hobby kiln, which featured a new and revolutionary lightweight design. This enabled artists to bring kilns into their homes, and cemented Skutt as an innovative leader in the field.


Over the years, Skutt has moved from producing manual kilns featuring kiln sitters to kilns that support high-tech digital controllers, allowing you to have incredibly tight control over every aspect of your firings. Skutt’s commitment to quality hasn’t ever changed, though, and the company is well-known throughout the ceramics world as a manufacturer of very high-quality products. Skutt also sets a precedent for great customer services and resources – check out their helpful YouTube videos for great tips about using and caring for your kiln!


Skutt has a great philosophy – every object that is placed in one of their kilns has value, whether it’s a child’s art project or a high-end commissioned sculpture. Skutt knows that no matter what the case is, their kilns need to do their job.


Skutt offers an incredibly wide range of kilns – if you are interested in purchasing a Skutt kiln but have some questions, our knowledgeable staff is happy to help you! Please give us a call and we will help you to find the right kiln for your home, studio, or classroom.


NEW! Skutt Touchscreen Controller


After more than two years of testing and perfecting, Skutt is now offering their new state-of-the-art Touchscreen controller! Available as an upgrade to a new kiln, it is truly the future of kiln firing!


All of the great features you know and love from Skutt controllers are still here, as well as Wi-Fi capability, the ability to monitor the kiln from your phone, storing customized programs to easily return to later, streamlined diagnostics, and so much more. Check out the Upgrades and Add Ons page for full details!


Check out our Kilns 101 FAQ!



FireBox 8x4 GMLT Glass Kiln
Item #: SKFB8x4FK
FireBox 8x4 GMLT Glass Kiln

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GM-1014 Glass Kiln 240V 1P
Item #: SKGM1014M24010N
Skutt GM-1014 Glass Kiln

You Save: 19%

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GM-1018 Glass Kiln 240V 1P
Item #: SGM1018M24010N
Skutt GM-1018 Glass Kiln

You Save: 17%

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GM-1214-3 Glass Kiln 240V 1P
Item #: SGM1214M24010
Skutt GM-1214-3 Glass Kiln

You Save: 15%

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GM-1227-3 Glass Kiln 240V 1P
Item #: SGM1227341
Skutt GM-1227-3 Glass Kiln

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GM-1414 Glass Kiln 240V 1P
Item #: SKGM1414M240100
Skutt GM-1414 Glass Kiln

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GM-814 Kiln 240V 1P
Item #: SGM81440
Skutt GM-814 Glass Kiln

You Save: 18%

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GM-818 Glass Kiln 240V 1P
Item #: SGM81824010
Skutt GM-818 Glass Kiln

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HotStart Pro Glass Kiln 120V
Item #: SHSPG00
Skutt HotStart Pro Glass Kiln

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Skutt FireBox 14 Glass Kiln
Item #: SFB14SKN
Skutt FireBox 14 Glass Kiln

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FireBox 8x4 Ceramic Kiln
Item #: SKFBC8x4FK
FireBox 8x4 LT Ceramic Kiln

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FireBox 8x6 Multimedia Kiln
Item #: SKFB8x6
FireBox 8x6 Multimedia Kiln

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GlazeTech Test Kiln 240V
Item #: SGT4N0
Skutt GlazeTech Test Kiln

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KM 1022 Kiln 240V 1P
Item #: SKM10222401N0
Skutt KM-1022 Pottery Kiln

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KM 1022-3 Kiln 240V 1P
Item #: SKM102232401N0
Skutt KM-1022-3 Pottery Kiln

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KM-1018 Kiln 240V 1P
Item #: SKM10182401N0
Skutt KM-1018 Kiln

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KM-1018-3 Kiln 240V 1P
Item #: SKM101832401N0
Skutt KM-1018-3 Pottery Kiln

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KM-1027 Kiln 240V 1P
Item #: SKM10272401N0
Skutt KM-1027 Kiln

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KM-1027-3 Kiln 240V 1P
Item #: SKM102732401N0
Skutt KM-1027-3 Kiln

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KM-1218-3 240V 1P
Item #: SKM12183X24010N
Skutt KM-1218-3 Pottery Kiln

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KM-1222-3 240V 1P
Item #: SKM1222324010N
Skutt KM-1222-3 Pottery Kiln

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KM-1227-3 240V 1P
Item #: SKM12273X24010N
Skutt KM-1227-3 Pottery Kiln

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KM-614-3 Pottery Kiln
Item #: SKM6143N0
Skutt KM-614-3 Pottery Kiln

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KM-714 1P
Item #: SKM714X2081N0
Skutt KM-714 Pottery Kiln

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KM-818 240V 1P
Item #: SKM818X2401N0
Skutt KM-818 Pottery Kiln

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KM-818-3 240V 1P
Item #: SKM81832401N0
Skutt KM-818-3 Pottery Kiln

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KM-818-30A-3, 240V 1P
Item #: SKM81830A3240N0
Skutt KM-818-30A-3 Kiln

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KM-822 Kiln 240V 1P
Item #: SKM822X2401N0
Skutt KM-822 Pottery Kiln

You Save: 21%

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KM-822-3 240V 1P
Item #: SKM82232401N0
Skutt KM-822-3 Pottery Kiln

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KM-1227-3PK kiln 240V, 1P
Item #: SKM12273PK24010N
Skutt KM-1227-3PK Kiln

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KM-1231-3PK 240V 1P
Item #: SKM12313PK24010N
Skutt KM-1231-3PK Kiln

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KM-1427-3PK 240V 1P
Item #: SKM14273PK2401--
Skutt KM 1427-3PK Kiln

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KM-1627-3PK 240V 3-phase kiln
Item #: SKM16273PK24030N

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Skutt Solid State RelayUpgrade
Skutt SolidState Relay Upgrade


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Lid Lifter 10 Sided
Item #: LLIFT10S
Lid Lifter 10 Sided


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Lid Lifter 12 Sided
Item #: LLIFT12S
Lid Lifter 12 Sided


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Lid Lifter For GM1414
Item #: LIDLIFT1414
Lid Lifter For GM1414


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