stilts, kilns, kiln, ceramic, stilt, ceramic kiln, ceramic stilts, Cone 10 stilts, roselli kiln stilts, kiln stilts, bell stilts, high fire stilts, low fire stilts, star stilt, bead racks, bead tree, ornament holder, egg bar, double point stilt, double sided stilt, double side stilt

If you are interested in completely covering your ceramic pieces with glaze -- even on the bottom surface -- but want to make sure that your work does not ruin your kiln shelves, you may want to try our cone 10-capable stilts. Stilts are specifically designed to allow you to load a piece of ceramic into your kiln with glaze on the bottom side. The glazed pot simply rests on top of the metal points on the top side of the stilt in the kiln. The stilt elevates the pot so that it is not in contact with the kiln shelf, and the metal points on the stilt, though in contact with the glazed piece, will not stick to the glaze. Now you can finally enjoy glazing whole pieces!


Our C Series stilts are all-purpose three-point Roselli stilts and available in many sizes. These stilts differ from our A Series and B Series in their size and heartiness -- these stilts are great for supporting larger, heavier pieces. Like the B Series, the C Series features multiple metal wire points along each arm, ensuring that the base of your work will stay flat in firing.


All of our stilts are made here at The Ceramic Shop and are rated to cone 10. These long-lasting stilts are designed to withstand repeated firings and rugged treatment, and are made from the highest-quality materials.


Stilt C Series, #12x15, 12 pk
Item #: RSC1215
The Ceramic Shop
Stilt C Series, 12x15


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Stilt C Series, #12x6, 12 pk
Item #: RSC126
The Ceramic Shop
Stilt C Series, 12x6


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Stilt C Series, #14x15, 12 pk
Item #: RSC1415
The Ceramic Shop
Stilt C Series, 14x15


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Stilt C Series, #14x9, 12 pk
Item #: RSC149
The Ceramic Shop
Stilt C Series, 14x9


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Stilt C Series, #16x18, 12 pk
Item #: RSC1618
The Ceramic Shop
Stilt C Series, 16x18


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