Wire cutters are an extremely versatile tool in ceramics. These cutters have an important place in both wheel-throwing and handbuilding. It is amazing to think of the number of ways in which wire cutters can be used! They are commonly employed in slicing off chunks of clay from larger blocks, and for cutting and removing pots from the pottery wheel head. Wire tools are also used in surface decoration, clean up, and finishing techniques such as beveling slabs and evening out the rims of pots.
Traditional wire cutters are available in various lengths and gauges - thicker wires are often more durable, less likely to bend and last a long time. Thinner wires give a more pristine cut, but are a little more prone to breakage over time. Traditional wire tools now also come with a variety of handle types including wooden, plastic, and rubber.
Harps (also known as Japanese Yumi tools) are wire cutters that have a taut wire pulled around a horseshoe-shaped handle. These straight, taut wires are great for faceting.
Many wire tools are available with “wiggle” wires, which can be used to create different surface effects. These coiled wires can also be used to cut off pots from the wheel, and leave an interesting texture on the underside of the ware.