If you’ve ever taught or taken a wheel-throwing class, you’re probably familiar with plaster wedging tables. These are plaster slabs and plaster-surfaced tables for wedging your clay. Wedging tables are very popular items in shared studio spaces and classrooms because the plaster sucks the moisture out of the clay that is thrown on to it. Wedging is a breeze! These tables and slabs are also great for drying clay -- anyone who has witnessed the aftermath of an introductory wheel class can attest to this. If you are looking for a way to make the most out of your studio space -- and your materials -- consider purchasing a wedging table today.
We originally designed this heavy duty wedging table / recycle slab for a production studio. We loved it so much we decided to put it in our lineup of furniture we make for schools and individual studios. The frames are made of a tube steel. The top wedging table frame has a diamond mesh steel bottom which allows for the moisture build up in the plaster slab to dry out without developing mold. We have chosen Hydro-Stone to cast into the slab for its strength and ability to wick water out of the clay. Model CSWRS is designed to mount up against a wall, while Model CSWR3838 is free-standing. This is the best wedging surface we have ever used or seen. The slab can be sold separately.