Skutt APM Elements

What are APM elements?

APM elements are elements that are designed to withstand very frequent and very high firings. Unlike the standard Kanthal A-1 elements that are available in most kilns, APM elements won't pop, warp, or sag over time. Additionally, they efficiently handle frequent firings that go over cone 10. Because of these additional technical features, as well as the complex fabrication process they require, they are more expensive than standard elements. 


How do I know if APM elements are right for me?

When potentially buying APM elements, there are three main factors that should be considered:


1. How often do you fire your kiln?

Most regular kiln elements last for about 200 firings -- that can last even relatively busy studios for quite along time! APM elements, by contrast, last up to 500 firings and are designed to be fired very frequently, which makes them great for production set-ups and extremely high-traffic studios. If you are only firing your kiln a few times a week (or less), APM elements are probably not for you. 


2. How high do you typically fire your kiln?

APM elements make a big difference when you regularly fire to high temperatures -- that is, cone 10 and higher. You will find they simply hold up better and last longer than regular elements -- as they are designed to do. If you only fire to low or mid-range temperatures, however, adding APM elements to your set-up is unlikely to make a difference. 


3. What type of firings do you typically do in your kiln?

Most of our customers use their kilns for simple bisque and glaze programs. However, if you use your kiln for more complex firings, such as crystalline firings, APM elements might be a good choice. Because they are specifically designed to withstand long temperature ramps and holds, they do tend to last longer and perform better than regular Kanthal A-1 elements over the course of repeated firings. 


If you only occasionally do long-hold firings (such as a crystalline program), the extra cost of the APM elements might not be worth it -- and you might not even notice much of a difference. However, if these are firing programs that you use on a regular basis, APM elements very well may be worth the investment.


Skutt Element Quick Links

KM818 Element KS609 Element Firebox Element KS609 APM Element
KM818-3 Element KS818 Element GlazeTech Element KS/KM614 APM Element
KM818-3 30A Element KS818P Element   KS/KM1018 APM Element
KM822 Element KS818P-3 Element GM1014 Element KM818 APM Element
KM822-3 Element KS1027 Element GM1214 Element KM818-3 APM Element
KM1018 Element   GM1227 Element KM1018 APM Element
KM1018-3 Element KM/KS614 Element GM10F Element KM1022 APM Element
KM1022 Element   GM22CS Element KM1027 APM Element
KM1027 Element   GM818 Element KM1027-3 APM Element
KM1027-3 Element     KM1218-3 APM Element
KM1218-3 Element   180/181 Element KM1222-3 APM Element
KM1222-3 Element   714 Element KM1227-3 APM Element
KM1227-3 Element     KM1227-3 PK APM Element
KM1227-3 PK Element     KM1231-3 PK APM Element
KM1231-3 PK Element     KM1627-3 PK APM Element
KM1627-3 PK Element      
KM1627-3 PK LF Element     714 APM Element


KM1218-3 APM El. 240V TB
Item #: ELSKM12183APM2401TB
Skutt KM1218-3 APM Element


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KM1222-3" APM 240V 1P TB
Item #: ELSKM12223APM2401TB
Skutt KM1222-3" APM Element


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KM1231-3 PK APM 240V 1P TB
Item #: ELSKM12313APM2401TB
Skutt KM1231-3 PK APM Element


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KM1627-3" PK APM 240V 3P TB
Item #: ELSKM16273PKAPM2403TB
Skutt KM1627-3" PK APM El.


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KM818-3 APM Element Top 240V
Item #: ELSKM8183APMTB4
Skutt KM818-3 APM Element


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KM822 APM Element 240V 1P TB
Item #: ELSKM822APM2401TB
Skutt KM822 APM Element


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KM822-3 APM El. 240V 1P TB
Item #: ELSKM8223APM2401TB
Skutt KM822-3 APM Element


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Skutt 714 APM Element
Item #: ELS714APM
Skutt 714 APM Element


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Skutt KM 818 APM 240V 1P Top/B
Item #: ELSKM818APM240125TB
Skutt KM 818 APM Element


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Skutt KM1018 APM, 240V 1P T/B
Item #: ELSKM1018APM240125TB
Skutt KM1018 APM Element


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Skutt KM1022 APM 240V 2.5" TB
Item #: ELSKM1022APM425TB
Skutt KM1022 APM Element


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Skutt KM1027 APM 240V 1P TB
Item #: ELSKM1027APM2401TB
Skutt KM1027 APM


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Skutt KM1027-3 APM 240V 1P Top
Item #: ELSKM10273APM2401TB
Skutt KM1027-3 APM


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Skutt KM1227-3 APM 240V 1P TB
Item #: ELSKM12273APM2401TB
Skutt KM1227-3 APM Element


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Skutt KM1227-3 PK APM 240V TB
Item #: ELSKM12273PKAPM4TB
Skutt KM1227-3 PK APM Element


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