Kiln stands are important accessories for ceramics and glass kilns. They allow a kiln to be elevated at a safe distance from the floor. While most kilns come standard with a kiln stand, there are instances when purchasing a new or additional stand may be necessary. Some kiln stands come equipped with casters, or wheels. These are ideal if you would like to easily move your kiln to another location on a regular basis. Kiln stands that have wheels come with locks, so rolling or unintentional movement is easily avoided. You may also opt to purchase a more heavy-duty stand for your kiln - this is a popular option for teachers working in elementary schools where students may be able to get into a kiln room. Although the standard-issue kiln stands tend to be sturdy, it’s just about impossible for a kiln on one of these stands to topple. Kiln stands are also heat resistant and are available in various sizes.
While different manufacturers produce their own kiln stands, the stands are often general use among different brands of kilns. If you are unsure of which size kiln stand you need, please give us a call with your kiln’s model number, and we will help you find the proper stand.
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