Ketchup Red Pint
$ 25.00 New Available online
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Ketchup Red Pint



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Make your work pop with Gloop glaze!

How to use:
Pour out any excess liquid when you open your jar. Gloop functions better with minimum water content. Pudding or frosting consistency is best! If you want to dry out your gloop you can leave the lid off overnight.

Shake or mix well.

Fill squeeze tube with Gloop and apply pea size balls to get the pearl droplet effect, or apply Gloop as a thick paste to get the crackle effect. Paste should be roughly 1cm thick for optimal texture.

Pro Tip:
Gloop works best when applied to an underglazed surface. It is not recommended to apply gloop to an active glaze because it will lose its shape.

Fire to cone 5 or 6.

Caution: This glaze runs and will damage your kiln shelves if kiln wash is not used! For added protection, use a layer of grog underneath your work to prevent it from sticking to your shelf.