Mayco Silkscreen Medium
$ 3.15 New Available online

Mayco Silkscreen Medium

$4.50 $3.15 $1.35

Item #: MSSM

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This silk screen medium by Mayco can be used with colorants to create beautiful ceramic-ready 'ink' for Mayco's new line of Designer Silk Screens. That's right, use this to print on clay!

For creating silkscreen design on clay or bisque: Mix four parts Underglaze or Stroke & Coat® (1" wide dollop of glaze) to one part Silkscreen Medium (pinch). Using a palette knife, thoroughly mix glaze and silkscreen medium on a flat surface until the mixture is smooth and contains no lumps. Add small amounts of medium until mixture resembles a thick paste, similar to the consistency of peanut butter. Push material through designer silkscreen with a squeegee or finger. Can be used with low fire and mid-range glazes.

Color: the base firing properties of the glaze used to create the ceramic paste remain unchanged: cone 06, cone 6 glazes perform just as they would in a non-paste state. For the deepest color we recommend using Stroke & Coat®, Designer Liner or Mayco Underglaze – products that contain high pigment content. Darker colors will produce deeper color in the fired result. Use of other color lines and/or light pigment colors (pinks, tans, light yellow, etc.) may yield less prominent results.

Viscosity: if a paste is too thin your design may bleed. As a general rule: the more detailed the screen design the thicker the paste. For patterns, such as Chevrons and Stripes, you may find a thinner pastes works best.

This product comes in a 4-oz. jar.