Stilt D Series, #5B-T9D, 12 pk
$ 33.45 New Available online
The Ceramic Shop

Stilt D Series, #5B-T9D, 12 pk


Item #: RSD5B-T9D

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The D Series are all-purpose Roselli stilts that are linear in shape and available in many sizes. They are strong and durable, as they are made from a high temperature clay body. They can be fired multiple times and withstand rugged treatment. The metal points are made from high quality metal alloy, making them sturdy and longlasting.

At The Ceramic Shop, we like these stilts because of their versatility. You can combine different sizes to accommodate almost any pot that you wish to fire. And because of the multiple metal points, these stilts can handle heavy pieces.

The Series D #5B stilt is 3.25" in length and has 9 metal points.

All the silts are made here at The Ceramic Shop and are rated to cone 10.

These stilts come in a package of 12.