$19.96 $18.56 $1.40
Item #: GCAL
GlazeCal Converts Glaze Recipe Percentages Into the Correct Gram Weight!
To Use: Simply move the slide to the correct batch weight and all of your glaze calculations are complete. Easily flip through to find the correct weight, of each ingredient (in the glaze recipe), under it's corresponding percentage!
GlazeCal is made of two 8.5" x 11" calculators. They are each made of sturdy, 2-sided calculator board and covered by a gloss varnish coating. Each calculator is held together with metal eyelets and glue.
Batch sizes range from 500 grams to 10,000 grams, at intervals of 500 gram batch sizes!
It measures percentages to the tenth decimal place, up to 80.0%!
-NO Computer Programs to Purchase -Green Friendly- No wasted paper/ink
-Portable -Water-Resistant
-Close to Immediate Results -16,000 Calculations at hand
-For experienced or new glaze formulators
Many students and ceramicists have trouble converting glaze recipe percentages into the correct gram
weight, based on the batch size they are making. They often make mistakes with this simple calculation and end up wasting expensive raw materials. Some students/ceramicists are terrified at the idea of doing math and therefore refrain from making their own glazes all together. Professors and instructors see students/customers pouring glazes out or having bad results at the end of a firing,
because of a glaze calculation error. GlazeCal is a conversion slide rule chart that converts the glaze recipe percentages into the correct gram weight. Therefore, when your student or customer is
distracted, tired, whatever the case may be, while mixing glazes, GlazeCal is there to help as either a reference tool so that they may double check their math or to act as the sole calculator, eliminating the need for the individuals to perform mathematical conversions.