Ice Man, Cool Gray, White Clay
$ 1.60 New Available online
Kentucky Mudworks

Ice Man, Cool Gray, White Clay


Item #: KMIM

Clay - KMY - KMIM: :
Qty: Unit Price:
50 $1.20
250 $1.00
500 $0.90
1000 $0.80

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Priced Per Pound
Must purchase in 25 lb increments

Kentucky Mudworks premium white clay body is a cool white stoneware that is durable and a pleasure to throw. It does not get too soupy if you throw with a lot of water and stays super plastic. This body also handbuilds well.

Matures at cone 5-6, but can be pushed to cone 7 if slow fired.

Shrinkage 11%
Absorption at cone 6 < 0.5%